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Leaftracker is an image classification model that differentiates toxic plants from their non-toxic look-alikes. Links to my page, Github repository, and info pages are linked below!

bert-reddit is a sentiment analysis model created by fine-tuning the distilBERT-base-uncased model with Reddit comments. I used the model to track public sentiment on Reddit following the API pricing controversy of July 2023, when the price was increased from $0 to $0.24 per 1000 API calls. Info pages are linked below!


A machine-learning model for long-term earthquake prediction

  • 4000 Years
  • >200k Events
  • 25 Observatories

Strong earthquakes are infrequent yet destructive events, mainly due to their unpredictability. Earthquake warning systems can only reactively send an alarm upon detection of an earthquake, which leaves only a small time frame for people to head to safety. SmartQuake aims to utilize graph neural networks (GNNs) to predict both the location and time of an earthquake days in advance. This project is led by Enmao Diao, a Ph.D candidate in Electrical Engineering at Duke University, who is being advised by Professor Vahid Tarokh. Links to the project and Enmao Diao are listed below.

The map plots significant earthquakes recorded by the Canadian National Earthquake Database, where magnitudes are >= 4.0. Many databases have been scraped and compiled to construct the neural network model.

Personal Projects

In addition to my research, you can also find some of my personal projects on this website. Their repositories can be found on my Github page!


I plan to graduate Duke University in Spring 2025 with a BS in Computer Science.
Here, you can find the courses I have taken so far:

Computer Science

  • CS371: Elements of Machine Learning
  • CS351: Intro to Computer Security
  • CS350: Digital Systems
  • CS562: Cryo-EM Image Analysis
  • CS345: Graphics Software Architecture
  • CS316: Intro to Database Systems
  • CS333: Algorithms in the Real World
  • CS330: Design/Analysis of Algorithms
  • CS370: Intro to Artificial Intelligence
  • CS230: Discrete Math for Computer Science
  • CS250: Computer Architecture
  • CS201: Data Structures and Algorithms

Math + Engineering

  • VMS 125: Foundations of Game Design
  • EGR 393: Trackerless Neuronavigation
  • STA 210: Regression Analysis
  • MATH 230: Probability
  • STA 102L: Intro to Biostatistics
  • EGR 101L: Engineering Design and Communication
  • MATH 218-2: Matrices and Vectors

About Me

Hey there! My name is Luke Nam, an undergraduate senior at Duke University majoring in computer science (BS). My main research interests are large language models (LLMs) and computer vision (CV). You can find my research lab contributions throughout this website! Outside of academics, I enjoy watching chess and playing clarinet in the Duke University Marching Band.

Fun Stuff

Web surfing is fun! Here's some cool pages: